
Random-ly Blogging

From James Lipton, host of Inside the Actor’s Studio:

1. What is your favorite word? heart

2. What is your least favorite word? Ugly

3. What sound or noise do you love?My boys calling “Mommy!”

4. What sound or noise do you hate? the sound of anger

5. What is your favorite curse word? loser

From JL’s Uncle Jessie Meme:
1. A song/band/type of music you'd risk wreck & injury to turn off when itcomes on the radio?Anything that my husband likes to listen to...we have a polar opposite taste in music

2. Best show on television? ER (reruns count, right?)

3. Favorite movie? Say Anything

4. Favorite room in your house? Dining Room (craft table)

5. Best concert? Taylor Swift with Jamesy.

6. Brass or strings?Strings

8. If you could have anything put on a t-shirt what would it be? Be nice.

9. The best part about being your age? Feeling like I can check in and fix my mistakes.

9. Favorite Girl Scout cookie? Tagalongs

10. Poker or gin or bridge? None

11. Shower or bath? Bath

12. Favorite pajamas? Loose, cotton, shapeless, comfy.

13. Nightmare job? Anything that wouldn't allow me to watch my babies grow everyday.

14. A talent you wish you had? Sewing like my mom

15. Dream vacation? Anywhere tropical...Fiji has always been a dream of mine.

16. What’s on your nightstand? Sudoku, pretzels, and glasses.

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