
I took the plunge...

and created a new meetup group! I'm super excited and nervous at the same time. The group I created is called Ruffled Feathers Paper Crafters. I have a vision that we will all meet often to create altered projects and that everyone will {love} the group.

I am hoping that I am not the only person in the world (okay, Queen Creek)looking for paper crafters to hang out. We shall see though. I will post more about this soon.

On another "plunging" note, my handsome boy, James, starts KINDERGARTEN (gasp) on Thursday! OMG-so nervous that I will drive in the wrong lane, park in the wrong spot, get yelled at, embarrass my kid, not be good enough for the women in the PTN, embarrass myself, and everything else that is associated with school. Oh, the memories I have about the horrible experiences. I hope my son has better luck with the education system than I ever did.

1 comment:

Nicole H. said...

Oh you are putting way too much thought into this. You are going to be just fine. And James will be too!!! ;)

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