
VIP Alert!!

So, I TOTALLY forgot to post about James the Great last week. James was VIP at school last week. He got to take some of his favorite things to school and talk about them. He decided to take Zeke the Zebra and his favorite cars.
Jamsey and Ms. Tara
James was SO excited that he was the VIP. He even got to pick out snacks for his class on Thursday. I thought this would be so awesome. But James was terrified that he'd pick the wrong snack and his friends wouldn't like them. That's my boy...always thoughtful. Anyhow, he picked crackers and cheese (the kind you spread with the little red stick) and they were a hit. Good Job Jamsey!! Here are some shots of my hot shot at school with is new "flames" mohawk. Not the side shot where he got his "Great Job" stamp for good behavior (still in shock).

Rock and Roll James!! You're the best and I love you all the way to the universe. XOXX, Mom

1 comment:

Nicole H. said...

JaMeS you are tHe Bestest LiTtLe BoY! What a spirt you have. You are a VIP in my book.

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