This is Fro.
Oh my gosh...I totally wanted to share this little thing about Grant. He's been waving and blowing kisses. He's been giving High-5s and playing peek-a-boo. GUESS WHAT HAND HE'S USING????? That's right...he's gonna be a leftie just like his Mama! My little South Paw. He's making me so proud. {Big Smile}
And last but not least, Princess Jaiden. She's growing like a weed and doing AMAZING work at school. Jaiden started first grade this year and has already tested at the end of her grade level for reading. Jen has done such a great job with her acedemically. Jaiden was also invited into the Gifted Program at school and will test for it next week. It's so awesome to see her grow. She's got the brains in the family for sure...but who knew she'd get the good looks too!! Daddy's gonna have to buy a shot gun to keep the boys away!! Muahh Gorgeous!
Ok I loved the other header and background. Not that I don't like this one. Just really liked the other. It seemed very YOU! But that is JMO
Forgot to add that I just love James. What a doll that little boy is. You are doing something right with him because he is a wonderful little boy. Love that post.
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