Tu-Tu Cute
Here's a picture of my latest tutu on a friend of mine's daughter...so adorable! Sign up for my tutu class next month to learn how to create your own tutus!

I took the plunge...
and created a new meetup group! I'm super excited and nervous at the same time. The group I created is called Ruffled Feathers Paper Crafters. I have a vision that we will all meet often to create altered projects and that everyone will {love} the group.
I am hoping that I am not the only person in the world (okay, Queen Creek)looking for paper crafters to hang out. We shall see though. I will post more about this soon.
On another "plunging" note, my handsome boy, James, starts KINDERGARTEN (gasp) on Thursday! OMG-so nervous that I will drive in the wrong lane, park in the wrong spot, get yelled at, embarrass my kid, not be good enough for the women in the PTN, embarrass myself, and everything else that is associated with school. Oh, the memories I have about the horrible experiences. I hope my son has better luck with the education system than I ever did.
I am hoping that I am not the only person in the world (okay, Queen Creek)looking for paper crafters to hang out. We shall see though. I will post more about this soon.
On another "plunging" note, my handsome boy, James, starts KINDERGARTEN (gasp) on Thursday! OMG-so nervous that I will drive in the wrong lane, park in the wrong spot, get yelled at, embarrass my kid, not be good enough for the women in the PTN, embarrass myself, and everything else that is associated with school. Oh, the memories I have about the horrible experiences. I hope my son has better luck with the education system than I ever did.
mini book,
paper crafting,
If you love Taylor Swift OR Coldplay, you've GOT to hear this!
I saw this on Ali Edwards blog and can't stop listening.
Random-ly Blogging
From James Lipton, host of Inside the Actor’s Studio:
1. What is your favorite word? heart
2. What is your least favorite word? Ugly
3. What sound or noise do you love?My boys calling “Mommy!”
4. What sound or noise do you hate? the sound of anger
5. What is your favorite curse word? loser
From JL’s Uncle Jessie Meme:
1. A song/band/type of music you'd risk wreck & injury to turn off when itcomes on the radio?Anything that my husband likes to listen to...we have a polar opposite taste in music
2. Best show on television? ER (reruns count, right?)
3. Favorite movie? Say Anything
4. Favorite room in your house? Dining Room (craft table)
5. Best concert? Taylor Swift with Jamesy.
6. Brass or strings?Strings
8. If you could have anything put on a t-shirt what would it be? Be nice.
9. The best part about being your age? Feeling like I can check in and fix my mistakes.
9. Favorite Girl Scout cookie? Tagalongs
10. Poker or gin or bridge? None
11. Shower or bath? Bath
12. Favorite pajamas? Loose, cotton, shapeless, comfy.
13. Nightmare job? Anything that wouldn't allow me to watch my babies grow everyday.
14. A talent you wish you had? Sewing like my mom
15. Dream vacation? Anywhere tropical...Fiji has always been a dream of mine.
16. What’s on your nightstand? Sudoku, pretzels, and glasses.
1. What is your favorite word? heart
2. What is your least favorite word? Ugly
3. What sound or noise do you love?My boys calling “Mommy!”
4. What sound or noise do you hate? the sound of anger
5. What is your favorite curse word? loser
From JL’s Uncle Jessie Meme:
1. A song/band/type of music you'd risk wreck & injury to turn off when itcomes on the radio?Anything that my husband likes to listen to...we have a polar opposite taste in music
2. Best show on television? ER (reruns count, right?)
3. Favorite movie? Say Anything
4. Favorite room in your house? Dining Room (craft table)
5. Best concert? Taylor Swift with Jamesy.
6. Brass or strings?Strings
8. If you could have anything put on a t-shirt what would it be? Be nice.
9. The best part about being your age? Feeling like I can check in and fix my mistakes.
9. Favorite Girl Scout cookie? Tagalongs
10. Poker or gin or bridge? None
11. Shower or bath? Bath
12. Favorite pajamas? Loose, cotton, shapeless, comfy.
13. Nightmare job? Anything that wouldn't allow me to watch my babies grow everyday.
14. A talent you wish you had? Sewing like my mom
15. Dream vacation? Anywhere tropical...Fiji has always been a dream of mine.
16. What’s on your nightstand? Sudoku, pretzels, and glasses.
Okay, so this weekend the fam went to Arizona Grand Resort to play in the water. Grant went to Grandma Sue's house to hang out with his aunts and g'ma while Terry and I played with the big kids. By Sunday I was missing him so much that we sat around the breakfast table and talked about all of the Grant-ISMs we could think of. I'm going to try to capture them all again so that they are documented and I can look back on this and tear. My big boy got his hair cut today too...OMG! He went from infant to toddler with every shear.
Here it goes:
*Peder-Pan (his favorite movie-he asks for it 5 million time a day)
*Oh-tay (okay)
*Wub-Youuuu (Love you)
*Too-tie mommy (Cookie Mommy)
*No Mama (often used when I say no first)
*No wan it (Don't want it, used with a pushing away motion of the hand)
*Daddy Tatch (Dad and Grant love to play catch together. Grant loses the ball in wind up typically)
*Tum-On (Come on!)
*Ouh-Hide (Used to get Daddy to take him out to play ball)
*Ready, Set, {insert running, then wait 3 seconds while he runs ahead}, GO!
*Wun, Two, Free, Four, Fibe, Sits, Seben...(up to15! This kid rocks with numbers)
Here it goes:
*Peder-Pan (his favorite movie-he asks for it 5 million time a day)
*Oh-tay (okay)
*Wub-Youuuu (Love you)
*Too-tie mommy (Cookie Mommy)
*No Mama (often used when I say no first)
*No wan it (Don't want it, used with a pushing away motion of the hand)
*Daddy Tatch (Dad and Grant love to play catch together. Grant loses the ball in wind up typically)
*Tum-On (Come on!)
*Ouh-Hide (Used to get Daddy to take him out to play ball)
*Ready, Set, {insert running, then wait 3 seconds while he runs ahead}, GO!
*Wun, Two, Free, Four, Fibe, Sits, Seben...(up to15! This kid rocks with numbers)
Friday Blues
So every Friday I get the blues because James leaves me for a few days. I know I should be happy that it's the weekend, but life's just not the same without him. Terry and I drove James to his dad's this afternoon. When we got home, I made oven fried chicken with mashed potatoes. I was needing some comfort food.
Update: Last week I wrenched my back and just haven't been the same. In fact I was in pretty severe pain until Wednesday. I'm now going to physical therapy and have an appointment with an ortho specialist to see what the heck is going on. I get this "muscle spasm" thing every so often, but this time was definitely the most pain I've felt. I've got to get down to the bottom of it.
On a lighter note, my girlfriend (take a bow Michelle Marshall) had a super idea. Instead of buying chipboard books at the paper crafting store, she suggested making a mini book out of the kids old board books! So...I started mine tonight! YAY! It's super cute and I can't wait to post pictures of the finished product! The paper I used is from My Minds Eye which always seems to make me happy. Click here to see the paper line. I've also been dabbling in the distressed ink arena and I'm having a blast doing it! I heart Tim Holtz!
Also, I'm hosting another "Altered Letter" class at my house in a couple of weeks. See August 2008 archive for pics. Give me a shout if you're interested. The more the merrier
Hope everyone is well! Thank you for all the well wishes!
Update: Last week I wrenched my back and just haven't been the same. In fact I was in pretty severe pain until Wednesday. I'm now going to physical therapy and have an appointment with an ortho specialist to see what the heck is going on. I get this "muscle spasm" thing every so often, but this time was definitely the most pain I've felt. I've got to get down to the bottom of it.
On a lighter note, my girlfriend (take a bow Michelle Marshall) had a super idea. Instead of buying chipboard books at the paper crafting store, she suggested making a mini book out of the kids old board books! So...I started mine tonight! YAY! It's super cute and I can't wait to post pictures of the finished product! The paper I used is from My Minds Eye which always seems to make me happy. Click here to see the paper line. I've also been dabbling in the distressed ink arena and I'm having a blast doing it! I heart Tim Holtz!
Also, I'm hosting another "Altered Letter" class at my house in a couple of weeks. See August 2008 archive for pics. Give me a shout if you're interested. The more the merrier
Hope everyone is well! Thank you for all the well wishes!
hip hop,
michelle marshall,
mini book,
paper crafting,
Me A to Z
All about ME...........
A – Age: 31
B – Bed size: Queen
C – Chore you hate: Laundry
D – Dog’s name: NO D-O-G. I'm highly allergic.
E – Essential start your day item: tinted moisturizer
F – Favorite color: Green
G – Gold or Silver: Silver
H – Height: 5′9.5" Terry says he's taller...it's a sticky point
I – Instruments you play(ed): none
J – Job title: CEO of Duffville
K – Kid(s): Jaiden, James, and Grant
L – Living arrangements: My dream house in the QC
M – Mom’s name: Dawn
N – Nicknames: AJ and Mandi
O – Overnight hospital stay other than your birth: Apendectomy and my boys births
P – Pet Peeve: people that scream at their kids and embarass them in public
Q – Quote from a movie: "She's gone. She gave me a pen. I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen." Lloyd in Say Anything
R – Right or left handed: Left
S – Siblings: Robin, Sarah and Matt
T – Time you wake up: when my kids do...usually by 7
U- Underwear: MYOB
V-Vegetable you dislike: raw onions, cucumber, raw tomato, radish...I could go on, but whatever.
W – Ways you drink your coffee: with CoffeeMate
X-rays you’ve had: teeth, back, arm
Y – Yummy food you make: Beef Stroganoff, Tacos, Chicken Casserole
Z – Zoo favorite : Giraffes
Now pass this on to 3 other friends that you want to get to know better...so here goes! I'm tagging:
A – Age: 31
B – Bed size: Queen
C – Chore you hate: Laundry
D – Dog’s name: NO D-O-G. I'm highly allergic.
E – Essential start your day item: tinted moisturizer
F – Favorite color: Green
G – Gold or Silver: Silver
H – Height: 5′9.5" Terry says he's taller...it's a sticky point
I – Instruments you play(ed): none
J – Job title: CEO of Duffville
K – Kid(s): Jaiden, James, and Grant
L – Living arrangements: My dream house in the QC
M – Mom’s name: Dawn
N – Nicknames: AJ and Mandi
O – Overnight hospital stay other than your birth: Apendectomy and my boys births
P – Pet Peeve: people that scream at their kids and embarass them in public
Q – Quote from a movie: "She's gone. She gave me a pen. I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen." Lloyd in Say Anything
R – Right or left handed: Left
S – Siblings: Robin, Sarah and Matt
T – Time you wake up: when my kids do...usually by 7
U- Underwear: MYOB
V-Vegetable you dislike: raw onions, cucumber, raw tomato, radish...I could go on, but whatever.
W – Ways you drink your coffee: with CoffeeMate
X-rays you’ve had: teeth, back, arm
Y – Yummy food you make: Beef Stroganoff, Tacos, Chicken Casserole
Z – Zoo favorite : Giraffes
Now pass this on to 3 other friends that you want to get to know better...so here goes! I'm tagging:
why is he the way he is?
Sometimes I sit and watch Jamesy sleep. I wonder what he's dreaming about in that grown up brain of his. I feel sad that such a little man lives with so much weight on his shoulders. I wish I could have done better by him. I know that he is what he is because of his experiences. Gosh, I love him!
Nine Reasons Why I Adore My Little Man:
1. He looks past all of the small stuff and cares for people for what they really are. We went to the pool a few weeks ago and he was the only boy who made friends with kids that had Downs Syndrome. He saw past everything. I was so proud
2. He LOVES Johnny Cash. He runs around the house singing "MY NAME IS SUE...HOW DO YOU DO?" What 5 year old has impecabble taste in music?
3. Jamesy is loyal. Once he makes a friend, it is a friend for life and he will do anything for them!
4. He is confident! For that he is eager to try new things. I love that about him.
5. He likes to smell good for the ladies. It's the cutest thing to watch him put on "man spray" so that he can smell good. I love that he spikes his hair too!
6. He has more personality in his pinky than most people have in their WHOLE body!! It just oozes out of him.
7. Everything just comes naturally to him!! WHY? I don't know . He's just that kid. I love that about him.
8. He's such an amazing brother. He protects Grant, Jaiden, and Chelsea. He wants them to be near him always. He has a heart of hearts.
9. He's a lover not a fighter. This kid begs to snuggle! He will love on me forever. He wants to snuggle in the morning, snuggle in the evening...and everything in between. He picks flowers for me and offers to make me breakfast. He's gonna make some husband!
Nine Reasons Why I Adore My Little Man:
1. He looks past all of the small stuff and cares for people for what they really are. We went to the pool a few weeks ago and he was the only boy who made friends with kids that had Downs Syndrome. He saw past everything. I was so proud
2. He LOVES Johnny Cash. He runs around the house singing "MY NAME IS SUE...HOW DO YOU DO?" What 5 year old has impecabble taste in music?
3. Jamesy is loyal. Once he makes a friend, it is a friend for life and he will do anything for them!
4. He is confident! For that he is eager to try new things. I love that about him.
5. He likes to smell good for the ladies. It's the cutest thing to watch him put on "man spray" so that he can smell good. I love that he spikes his hair too!
6. He has more personality in his pinky than most people have in their WHOLE body!! It just oozes out of him.
7. Everything just comes naturally to him!! WHY? I don't know . He's just that kid. I love that about him.
8. He's such an amazing brother. He protects Grant, Jaiden, and Chelsea. He wants them to be near him always. He has a heart of hearts.
9. He's a lover not a fighter. This kid begs to snuggle! He will love on me forever. He wants to snuggle in the morning, snuggle in the evening...and everything in between. He picks flowers for me and offers to make me breakfast. He's gonna make some husband!
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